a future offence40percent

Hello and welcome to my website. I assume you’ve come here to find out information on one of my books. Excellent. If you came here by accident, that’s fine too. You’re all more than welcome.

You can either read about my new novel, A Future Offence, or my book on Stockport County’s 1996-97 season, Saturday Night and Thursday Morning. Hey, here’s an idea – whichever book you came here to find out about, why not read the other one? They’re both by me, so if you like what I write there’s a better than even chance you might like the book you didn’t come here to find out about.

Don’t have a Kindle? Not a problem.

There’s also my blog which you can read.

Also, if you’re one of those busy people who don’t have time to be fussing away clicking pages to read about the books and simply want to buy them as quickly as possible, then here are links to do just that. e-books only at the moment, I’m afraid:

Finally, feel free to follow me on Twitter.

– Dave